The Best Spanish Curriculum for Homeschool

I love the Spanish language, but just because I mostly know it myself does not mean that it’s been easy teaching it to my kids. I’ve been trying to speak to my son for five years and he’s fought me. It is so hard for him to develop confidence in a new language. Now he’s ten and my second child is 6. I’ve finally found something that gets them both excited about speaking and learning Spanish. It’s Foreign Languages for Kids by Kids®, which helps them gain confidence by showing other kids speaking Spanish at their level.Finally, a homeschool Spanish curriculum that is practical, easily accessible online, made for and designed for kids, and full of variety of learning methods! Foreign Languages by Kids for Kids is just what we needed for homeschool Spanish.

Note: I was provided with free access to this curriculum and have been compensated for my time writing this post.

Spanish for Homeschool

The hardest part of learning a foreign language, especially in a homeschool, is developing confidence to speak it. With Foreign Languages for Kids by Kids®, my kids get to watch other kids speaking Spanish. Since each video is entirely in Spanish, the kids hear the vocabulary again and again. It becomes easy to repeat as they’ve been exposed to it over and again. Because there is limited vocabulary in each video, and the kids speak to kids at a slow rate, it works wonderfully.

I was amazed at how quickly my kids began speaking once they started watching the videos. In the first lesson, one boy tells his brother declares his love for breakfast. It’s a rare morning now when the kids don’t now declare “Me gusta desayuno!” when they come to the table in the morning. Strawberry, my six-year-old daughter, asks for things in Spanish whenever she knows the word. Listening and learning from the kids on the videos have given my kids confidence to speak up too. And it’s fun!

This homeschool-designed online Spanish curriculum lets kids interact with reading and listening quizes, with lots of other extras to make it even more interactive.

Online Spanish Curriculum

The creators of Foreign Languages for Kids by Kids® spent many years researching what homeschool families want. What would you want? It can be used by just the kids, or the parents can join in and provide further practice. After each video segment, there is a listening and reading quiz, so parents can easily track different students’ progress from the classroom login. Further, because the video segments are short, children can watch just a few minutes each day, or just 15 minutes a week, and still have exposure to help them gain

The lesson videos are not just funny. They are relevant. Kids talk about breakfast and their dogs. They introduce friends, brothers, sisters. They play basketball and order at a cafe. The vocabulary relates to the story line, but it is. for the most part, relevant vocabulary and phrases that they will use again and again in daily life.

In short, although Foreign Languages for Kids by Kids® is an online Spanish curriculum, it easily adds Spanish in to every day life for students are are interested in learning a language. For kids who want to learn Spanish long-term, incorporating the vocabulary into life will motivate them to seek out more vocabulary.

And great news: The online videos are also available in DVD format, so those who do not have strong internet connection, or who wish to use it for years to come, may do so without the regular annual online registration.

Foreign Languages for Kids by Kids provides detailed teacher guides for each level with games and expansion ideas. The kid-designed card games and flashcards likewise helped extend our homeschool Spanish learning.
Teacher Guides and Spanish vocabulary flashcards are available for each level.

How to Homeschool Spanish

Although Foreign Languages for Kids by Kids® provides amazing video lessons, it also provides great tips for teaching. Each lesson has an available teacher’s guide with games and teaching tips for the parent to do with the kids. Online, after each video, are listening quizzes and reading quizzes. Each lesson also has a workbook, available online as well as in a printable format, with matching, labeling, crosswords, and other games. Stickers are available so kids can label the vocabulary as they spot it in the house. A set of flashcards is available for each level, and the kid-designed games spoke right to my own kids’ interests.

My daughter put the "me gusta" sticker on her Shopkins because she likes them! She loves this fun way to learn Spanish.
My daughter put the “me gusta” sticker on her Shopkins because she likes them! She loves this fun way to learn Spanish.

In short, Foreign Languages for Kids by Kids® provides many options to kids to cater to their individual learning styles and interests. Not all kids want to do the workbook activities on the computer: do it in the printed workbook. Some kids really respond to labels: Get stickers for that level! As we played the games and as I (as a parent) followed the teacher’s guide suggestions, I could see just how clear the various aspects of Spanish vocabulary and grammar are becoming clear, for my 10 year old (who has had exposure to Spanish before) and my 6 year old (who has had much more limited exposure).Workbooks, flashcards, online activities all help my kids learn Spanish online with Foreign Languages for Kids by Kids.

Subscribe to Foreign Languages for Kids by Kids® by month, three-months, six-months, or year. You can also buy a set for just one level or get the first four levels (about one year of regular study for the beginner) in a Super Set. The youngest beginners may like the Early Learner set, which comes with the stickers and even a stuffed Squisher doll (Squisher is an inchworm, and my kids love him!) for the kids who are not yet reading. There is an option for every type of learner and parent with Foreign Languages for Kids by Kids®.

Get Online Foreign Language

Use the discount code 20OFFFORYOU to get 20% off any order at Foreign Languages for Kids by Kids®!

Or enter the giveaway to get the Level 1 DVD sent to you! (Sorry, U.S. addresses only.)

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