Teaching Spanish Verb Conjugations

Learning basic Spanish is a great skill to have, no matter the age of your children. Learning Spanish at a young age is also best because children's language skills are developing so it's most effective for them to learn. Becoming able to speak Spanish is the best part, because it gives context to the skill. A great way to gain confidence in speaking and developing sentences is fun way for young kids to practice their skills. That's why I like to introduce basic present tense verb conjugation at a beginning stage of Spanish.

Importance of Learning Spanish Verb Conjugation

It is so rewarding to be able to say a sentence in in a different language. When a child says "I speak Spanish (a little)" to a friend, family member, or Spanish speaker, it feels like the language is real to a kid. Adding Spanish into your daily life (I walk, I eat, I write, I sing, I dance) gives kids great practice during their daily life. 

One of my issues with many early Spanish curricula for elementary kids is that such sentences are not introduced. It is difficult to form a sentence when you learn adjectives and nouns. Sentences need the action. That's why many of my Spanish products introduce and practice verb conjugation: it's such an essential part of recognizing and attempting to speak Spanish in your class or homeschool.

Practicing Present Tense Conjugation

I like to introduce Spanish present tense verb conjugation with step-by-step guides. We begin by practicing conjugating with the verb forms right next to the blank sentences. I always start with -ar verbs because they simply feel easier than the -er/-ir verbs. 

With a chart with a specific verb conjugation right next to the questions, kids can easily see just how the verb is conjugated. They can essentially copy over the right answers. As a parent or teacher, I take this chance to encourage my children to read the sentences, act them out, or otherwise engage with what they are learning. Make the "tu" (you) form into a question for two kids to ask each other. Even such basic practice with the answers in front of them is practice that is valuable: they still must internalize the conjugation to write it.

Next, once students can conjugate one verb, I provide a generic conjugation chart for them to apply to any regular -ar verb in present tense. My subsequent practice will include a blank conjugation guide, and then they can be ready to re-create their own conjugation guide or write sentences using vocabulary they know.

I hope it goes without saying that these steps take more than one introduction: kids cannot go from reading and copying a verb conjugation to writing a sentence. But I do find that working toward greater understanding and fluency helps kids develop. This lets students fill in the chart with the correct conjugation.

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-AR VERB Conjugation

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Get Practice Conjugating -er and -ir Verbs

My -er and -ir verb conjugation practice pages product provides practice in my step-by-step introduction in style using -er and -ir verbs.

If you like these worksheets and this learning style, send me an email via "contact me" to let me know! I'll consider making more for you convenience.

Digital Spanish Task Cards at Boom Learning

These digital task card decks offer a convenient way to review, answer, and receive feedback on answers. A few different types of review decks are available.

-ar Conjugation Instructions Students review the rules for conjugating -ar verbs and then practice conjugating hablar, with the hablar conjugation before them to help them remember how to conjugate. 4 instruction cards and 6 practice cards.

-ar Conjugation Practice with Reminder Box Practice conjugating regular -ar verbs into the present tense with these 30 cards using the following verbs: dibujar, pintar, estudiar, explicar, escuchar, preguntar, escuchar, bailar, limpiar, nadar, trabajar..... An -ar conjugation box is provide to the side to help remind students of the proper way to conjugate a verb. No vosotros form is included. (Fill in the blank answers.)

-ar Conjugation Practice Fill-in-the-Blank Practice conjugating regular -ar verbs into the present tense with these 30 cards using the following verbs: caminar, cantar, tocar, esperar, ayudar, hablar, saltar, planchar, cortar, preparar, practicar. No vosotros form is included. (Fill in the blank answers.)

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