We love our local homeschool co-op! We take and teach classes there each school year. Each year, our co-op parents submit classes they are interested in teaching. Then, all parents submit feedback on which classes they would most like to enroll their kids in. The winners are slated as classes. Here is a gigantic list of homeschool co-op classes your fellow homeschool moms should consider adding to the roster.

Reasons to Join and Participate in Homeschool Co-op Classes
Joining a co-op has been a blessing in my life. In a true “co-operative,” all the people pitch in and help teach, organize, set up and clean, or watch younger children. Some people do not want the added responsibility, so I realize that a co-op is not for every homeschooling family. I truly love it, however.
A thought to keep in mind: to teach a class, you’ll need a teacher. If you don’t know a soul who speaks or knows Japanese, you probably will struggle with teaching it in your co-op. Figure out your strengths and ask other homeschool parents to share their strengths. A homeschool co-op is most successful when it is actually co-operative in this way!
Get ready to teach a co-op class! Become a VIP and download the Homeschool Co-op Class Ideas ebook for free. It has 35+ pages of ideas and information about becoming a co-op teacher.
Homeschool Co-Op Classes for Preschool Kids
Preschool is my favorite age for joining together at a homeschool co-op!
Here are some of the amazing activities and "classes" you can do with a preschooler.

Homeschool Co-op Classes for Ages 5-8
Early elementary homeschooling co-op classes are super fun. Kids this age thrive on time together and working together. Focus on ideas that don't require reading, because kids at these ages read at varying levels.
English Language Arts Classes
Social Studies Classes
Science, Technology, Engineering, Math in Homeschool Co-op
Language Classes
Electives Ideas
Get ready to teach a co-op class! Become a VIP and download the Homeschool Co-op Class Ideas ebook for free. It has 35+ pages of ideas and information about becoming a co-op teacher.
Homeschool Co-op Classes for Ages 7-12
By early elementary, students can participate in more educational classes because they most likely have reading skills. That said, kids this age still love to play, so trick them into learning with fun-based and hands-on courses.
Language Arts Classes
Social Studies Classes
Science, Tech, Engineering, Math Classes
.World Languages
Other Electives Ideas

Homeschool Co-op Classes For 11-14
Older kids benefit from teachers with more specific expertise and experience. Middle School is not necessarily time for college prep work, but it is a great time for kids to explore what they are interested in.
Language Arts Classes
Social Studies Classes
Science, Technology, Engineering, Math Homeschool Classes
World Languages
Elective Homeschool Class Ideas
Get ready to teach a co-op class! Become a VIP and download the Homeschool Co-op Class Ideas ebook for free. It has 35+ pages of ideas and information about becoming a co-op teacher.
Homeschool Co-op Classes for Ages 14+
After middle school, I personally find co=op classes most useful if they are college or career preparatory. Some kids still won't know what they want, so it helps to give variety. Again, it depends on what parents are able to teach! Think outside the box.
English Language Arts Classes
Social Studies Classes
Science, Technology, Engineering, Math Classes
Electives Ideas
Get the Homeschool Co-op Class Ideas eBook
Get ready to teach a co-op class! Become a VIP and download the Homeschool Co-op Class Ideas ebook for free. It has 35+ pages of ideas and information about becoming a co-op teacher.
What do you think? Are you interested in joining a co-op? Are you already in a co-op? What were/are the best classes you’ve taken at a homeschool co-op?

Is there a specific source for the math lab 1 and 2?
Hey … I noticed you had a five in a row unit study listed … and just wanted to throw this out of its helpful. We’ve been using mostly Five in A Row books for the last two years at our co-op, and have followed these two curriculums. It includes everything you need for a co-op class, including handouts and lots of classroom teaching ideas, low budget games and activities. It was something I was looking for when I started teaching at co-op, but when I couldn’t find it— we started working together to create one. https://www.chroniclesofmomia.com/2018/02/fiar-five-in-row-based-kindergarten-co.html?m=1, and are almost done this one, https://www.chroniclesofmomia.com/2018/09/more-fiar-inspired-literature-based.html?m=1. Hope it’s helpful to someone. 🙂