Must-Read Books to Help in Teaching Language Arts to Young Children

To my surprise, a number of homeschooling friends have expressed anxiety about teaching language arts: writing, spelling, reading. Because I love language arts and I love reading books about these things, I’ve set up this list of must-read books for those preparing to teach language arts to little learners.

I love teaching my kids language arts. When I look at the curricula I’ve acquired over the years, I definitely have more than enough of the language learning resources. I studied grammar in school myself, and so I look forward to doing language activities with my little ones. There is not nearly enough time to enjoy it all, and sadly, my kids are not always as eager for editing practice, but I definitely do not feel anxiety about teaching the subjects.

When I think of a “must read” list, I think of something short. Here, then, are just four simple books for you to read before you tackle teaching your little ones.

Must-Read Books for Teaching Basic Literacy

The ABCs of Literacy by Cynthia Dollins sets forth ideas for helping your children learn literacy from birth and up. The second portion of the book has annotated book lists with some of her favorite books listed. See my more detailed review on Rebecca Reads.

Born Reading by Jason Boog likewise gives ideas for helping introduce your children to literacy from day one. He adds in discussion of how to use technology with our little ones as well, and brings discussion of technological literacy as well as book literacy. I like this approach, since I’ve never resonated with the “no technology for little kids!” school of thought. I live with technology. How could my little one note be exposed to it? I believe that it is important to use the tools we have available instead of avoiding them. See my more detailed review on Rebecca Reads.

Must-Read Book for Teaching Spelling

Uncovering the Logic of English by Denise Eide is a great book for understanding the basics of phonics and how words in English are put together. Although this is a book for adults and not for children, reading and understanding the concepts that Denise shares will help you get a grasp on how complicated and yet how patterned reading the English language can be.  As a side note, I have used the Foundations and Essential lessons from Logic of English with my kids. Even if you use something else, reading Uncovering the Logic of English will help you when you do choose a curriculum for teaching reading. See my more detailed review on Rebecca Reads.

Must-Read Book for Teaching Writing

No More “I’m Done!” by Jennifer Jacobson is written primarily with school teachers in mind. I’d suggest that this slim volume shares amazing ideas for helping your children get ideas onto the page, even before they are able to physically write themselves. She provides classroom learning ideas that can easily be adapted to homeschooling or after schooling situations. The premise is that kids will be begging to do writing time once they have free reign over their own creativity. I have found this to be the case with my oldest: he is full of ideas! See my more detailed review on Rebecca Reads.

It’s true, these four books will not do the job of teaching language arts to your preschoolers and lower elementary school students or children. But reading these four must read books will give you great ideas and strategies to use in the future as you being homeschooling in the language arts.

Want to see more lists of “must-read” books of use to homeschooling teachers and parents? Check out the link up over at iHomeschoolNetwork.

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