This time of year, themed activities are starting to be all about Valentine’s Day! My favorite workbox activity for my preschoolers this time of year have been my Valentine’s Day Counting Cards to use with manipulative: puff balls, candy pieces, and so forth! About the Valentine’s Day Counting CardsThese are pretty simple: simply print the

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Check out this list of preschool activities and crafts from a to z!

I don’t do a letter of the day or letter of the week program with my preschool, but so many people like to focus their learning themes around letters of the alphabet. Here are some of the fun alphabet activities and crafts we have done (and plan to do) here on Line upon Line Learning.

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I am becoming more creative at noticing ways to use items destined for the trash as learning tools and games in our homeschool. One rescue from the garbage was an empty tissue box. My daughter and I made it into one of our alphabet recognition activities by creating upcycled boxes monsters that likes eating ABCs. Our ABC

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What do you do with an interested preschooler while you are trying to give her older siblings their homeschool lessons? This is the question I’ve been wondering all summer as I’ve pondered how to jump back in to homeschooling come the end of August! My daughter simply loves to be a part of everything. I’ve

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Practice fine motor and early literacy skills by placing stickers on words. This is a preschool activity that blends fine motor skills practice in an early literacy activity. Put stickers on names, sight words, or Valentines! Since Strawberry loves stickers, the color pink (currently her favorite,, although it changes weekly), glittery things, and hearts and

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Learning about vegetables can be fun.

My daughter has fallen in love with VeggieTales, which is now on Netflix! She loves that each episode ends with a reminder of God’s love for each of us, and I must admit that I like that too. We also happened to read a number of fun books about vegetables (named below), so this week

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My daughter Strawberry loves finding her name on papers and notes around the house. Whenever she sees a “C”, she thinks it must be her name (her real name begins with “C”). She also recognizes “Mom” and “Dad,” and now she’s finding her brother’s name. (His name starts with a “P” and she loves to

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This easy indoor excavation activity will have kids digging for familiar items in a bowl of rice. --Line upon Line Learning blog

What do you do for fun when it’s too yucky to play outside? I’ve really been trying to keep the kids away from the tablet and television shows (especially my daughter, who is electronic-device obsessed). One of this week’s activities was “excavating” toys from a deep bowl of rice (aka “dirt”). This easy indoor excavation activity will

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