I don't do a letter of the day or letter of the week program with my preschool, but so many people like to focus their learning themes around letters of the alphabet. Here are some of the fun alphabet activities and crafts we have done (and plan to do) here on Line upon Line Learning. More will come, as my youngest is now a toddler and soon to be a preschooler. I expect we'll be doing preschool alphabet activities and alphabet crafts for a long time yet to come!
Intro to the Alphabet
An Alphabet of Activities
Below is a list of activities that I've posted about on my blog, organized by letter of the alphabet. A few are posts that are still on the way!
A is for . . .
B is for . . .
C is for. . .
D is for . . .
E is for . . .
F is for . . .
G is for . . .
I is for Ice, Instruments, I Spy, Ice Cream, Insects
J is for Jewelry, Jump Rope, Jungle Animals, Jellyfish
K is for Kindness, Kazoo, Kaleidoscopes
L is for Leaves, Library, Light
M is for Moon, Marshmallows, Monsters, Mud, Music
N is for Nativity, Numbers, Nests, Nursery Rhymes
O is for Ocean, Opposites, Owls
P is for Pancakes, Popcorn, Penguins, Plants, Patterns
Q is for Quill Painting, Quilts, Queens/Kings
R is for Rainbows, Recycling, Rockets, Rhyming, Restaurants
S is for Shapes, Stickers, Sharks, Skeletons, Snow, Sewing, Space, Seasons
T is for a Thanksgiving, Trains, Trees, Tacos, Turtles
U is for Unicorns, Under the Sea, Umbrellas
V is for Vegetables, Valentine's Day, Vehicles
W is for Water (Color Mixing), Weather, Wildlife, Wagon, World
X is for eXcavating, X Marks the Spot (hide-and-seek treasure hunt), X-rays
Y is for Yoga, Yarn, Yo-Yo's
Z is for Zoo, Zebras