Written by Rebecca Reid

As I mentioned, last week was my son's birthday! I put on a birthday party that was all about trains. But let me tell you, it's hard to find things train related for a birthday that does not have Thomas the Train all over it! Since he turned six, Thomas was not the key part of trains he was excited about. He just likes the trains themselves. At any rate, I pulled together my own invitations and homemade gift bags. As I was thinking of a freebie to share with you this week, I thought maybe some of you would love these! I made them editable so you can put your own child's name in them! These use a lot of printer ink, but it looked lovely in the end.  
Get the birthday party invite and gift bag for free when you sign up to become a Line upon Line Learning VIP.
My son thought the party was a lot of fun.  First we painted wooden trains purchased from Etsy. The kids loved the fact that they got to take the train home at the end! Then it was run-around-and-play time. We played Red Light, Green Light, pretending we were trains. We played train tag (with two teams that were supposed to stay together in a train as they tagged the other team). Let's just say Train Tag did not go as smoothly as it was supposed to, but the they kids sure loved running around! We played Duck, Duck, Goose -- except it was Engine, Engine, Caboose. Then we went to the "dining car" and had the kids' favorite: Kraft Mac and Cheese, Go-Gurt, and apple slices. I had "menus" (otherwise known as activity pages) for the kids to color as they waited for their food, and one of my son's remote controlled trains went around the table to entertain them as well. Then we made Rice Krispie treats cut out in the shape of a train with circle candies as the wheels. It was a great time! If you want a train party, download the invite/gift bag page from above. Let me know how you're party goes!

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