If you love Christmas carols all year round, these Christmas songs picture books will just make your day. I love to read children's books with Christmas songs, and these are my favorites.

One of my favorite parts of the Christmas season is celebrating by reading Christmas picture books with my young children. Another favorite part of the season for me is singing Christmas songs. In fact, our home is one in which Christmas songs are fair game all year round! What better union, then, but to read children’s picture books

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My son has been learning to play the piano of his own volition using an online program. Sometimes, though, we do an activity or game together to practice notes recognition. I’m delighted! Our super easy DIY staff to practice reading notes is a staple next to the piano bench. This is a complete reversal of his

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My daughter loves to make music! We read Zin! Zin! A Violin and learned about instruments. Then she matched the model instruments to the picture cards.

My daughter loves making noise and she is fascinated by musical instruments. When I saw a Toob of musical instruments, I knew she’d love to play with them. Hence, here’s my instruments busy bag. It’s not a noisy one, such as you would expect. Rather, it is a quiet busy bag that requires her imagination

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This week I decided it was definitely time to pull out the books and do something for more detailed music appreciation. Last week, Raisin gave a very brief report about Mozart for his co-op Culture day. (The country was Austria). As we prepared for it, we found some favorite music to play after his presentation. He

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