When I think about summer, I think of the sudden increase is dirt and mud everywhere! Baths are a frequent necessity. My daughters always would dig, only encouraged by their brother, who would always be on a new emphatic hunt for “rocks” hiding beneath our lawn and play set. The only way to get by is

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Our moon surface was just a tray of flour, but stepping and making our own moon footprints was a fun sensory play related to our lessons on the moon.

Every July, the world celebrates the first walk on the moon on July 20, 1969. For a celebratory activity, we learned about the surface of the moon, especially the 1969 moon landing. Of course, we had to recreate the moon landing with a fun moon sensory activity. My preschool and my toddler loved to walk

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I am becoming more creative at noticing ways to use items destined for the trash as learning tools and games in our homeschool. One rescue from the garbage was an empty tissue box. My daughter and I made it into one of our alphabet recognition activities by creating upcycled boxes monsters that likes eating ABCs. Our ABC

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Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me by Eric Carle is a fantasy story about a papa and his little girl who loves the moon and dancing. One night, she thinks about dancing with the moon and asks her papa to get the moon for her. Naturally, he gets a ladder and climbs it to

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