I choose homeschooling for the environment, instruction, love, and socialization.

Parents choose to homeschool for many different reasons. In my case, I feel that by bringing my son home he has a better environment for learning, better individualized instruction to meet his needs, more opportunity to develop a love of learning, and a greater outlet for socialization.  

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It takes at least 2 to 5 hours to put together a blog post. I must write and edit it, then I need an image, and if i take it I have to process it and prepare it for the blog. With the busy life that comes as a homeschooling mom, I wonder why I

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When parents decide to homeschool their kindergarten-aged child, they may not know just where to begin! It is all new! They have made the decision but are easily discouraged as to how to implement it. Or they are overwhelmed with all that is “required” of them. When I think back to my kindergarten days, I

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