Some CVC activities are great for even pre-readers. Playing with letters and building words does not require reading knowledge! Make it play at first.

Even before my daughter could put the sounds of words together, she loved playing with words! As the months have passed, she’s become more confident in reading CVC words and these CVC activities are favorites we return to time and again.

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Our Rapunzel engineering challenge let us play as we learned about building and as we retold a favorite story. Perfect for princess preschool!

One subject keeps my preschooler interested right now, and that is princesses. She loves Sofia the First. She loves the other Disney princesses. She loves ponies with long shimmering hair. She loves dressing like a princess and acting like a princess. If I can add princesses into school time, then I’ll get her attention. This week

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In the book In the Snow by Huy Voun Lee, Xiao Ming and his mother walk in newly fallen snow and his mother shows him Chinese characters by writing them in the snow. They discuss how the characters look like the items they are describing. Despite our lack of snow in Chicagoland this season,we made our

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I’m quickly finding that my preschooler needs hands on interactive fun. When she gets home from preschool it’s a little bit before lunch time, so without an activity, she’ll whine until the food is served. This week’s favorite activity was a color mixing fine motor water activity using food coloring and a kid-sized dropper. 

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