When I think about summer, I think of the sudden increase is dirt and mud everywhere! Baths are a frequent necessity. My daughters always would dig, only encouraged by their brother, who would always be on a new emphatic hunt for “rocks” hiding beneath our lawn and play set. The only way to get by is

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I love when I can find a fantastic picture book that is not just fun but also prompts educational discussion, hands-on activities, or a craft. My Heart is Like A Zoo also has a “Valentine’s Day” connection since it deals with hearts! About My Heart is Like a ZooMy Heart is Like a Zoo by

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Celebrate the holidays or learn about angels with a personalized homemade angel ornaments craft.

For my preschooler, this angel kids craft was a nice alternative to snow play. The craft can also be converted into an angel Christmas ornament. The angel uses an outline of the child’s hands and one foot to form the wings and body, and a personal photo of the child’s face makes it personal. My daughter has a

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March is Rainbow season! I love figuring out how to incorporate rainbow fun into our homeschool. For my kindergartner, who loves rainbows, I decided to make a rainbow as a learning project for remembering the ten bonds for early math skills! This fun rainbow math craft takes very little time but it creates a physical

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Practice fine motor and early literacy skills by placing stickers on words. This is a preschool activity that blends fine motor skills practice in an early literacy activity. Put stickers on names, sight words, or Valentines! Since Strawberry loves stickers, the color pink (currently her favorite,, although it changes weekly), glittery things, and hearts and

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Pipe cleaner elf ornaments are an easy pipe cleaner Christmas craft to do with young children. A little bit of pipe cleaner twisting and you've got a cute gift or ornament.

My mother and father found themselves celebrating their first Christmas together away from home during my dad’s assignment in Germany at the end of the Vietnam War. To decorate their humble Christmas tree, they purchased a few supplies and made Christmas elf pipe cleaner ornaments. Making these easy elf Christmas ornaments has become a family

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My most recent crafty project was a random one that I thought of as I watched my kids playing: I made some corn on the cob to go in my son’s play kitchen. I’ve mentioned it before, I don’t feel that I am a particularly crafty person. Put me in front of a computer and sure,

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It has been an amazing few weeks for me. Since I last posted, I had the honor of welcoming my third child into my family. My newest daughter, nicknamed “Kitty Cat” for the sake of this blog, was 7 lbs 2 oz, and arrived October 2 after a much-too-short labor. She’s a sweet little one,

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