Line upon Line Learning Shop

Hands-on learning activities for homeschooling and lifelong education . . . one day at a time

Snow Subtraction Word Problems Task Cards (from up to 10)


Practice subtracting from ten with snowballs in these word problem task cards.

Practice subtraction from 10 and under with a fun snow theme, in both worksheet and task card format. The 18 word problems come with a recording sheet and answer sheet.

Snow Subtraction Word Problem Task Cards includes 18 word problems in task card format with a recording sheet. The same word problems with different numbers are also provided in a worksheet format.

Also as a bonus are 20 easier non-word problem task cards are added to practice 1-to-1 correspondence for those kids not ready for word problems yet.

Students can use cotton balls to represent the snowballs for practicing subtraction! Recording sheets and answer keys are included.

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