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Origami Animals STEM Challenge


Challenge your students to master the scientific art of origami with this book-inspired origami challenge.

Challenge your students to master the scientific art of origami with this book-inspired origami challenge. After you read More-igami by Dori Kleber, try your own hand at creating with paper. First, you can use this book to discuss the growth mindset, and that with practice we will improve at hard things. Don’t give up! Then tie it in with STEM.

At first, it might seem that making origami animals should be in art class! And it could be, of course. It began as an art form in Japan. Now, however, the techniques are helping science, technology, and engineering in many ways. This product provides patterns to fold 11 animals, as well as a beginning list of how origami has been used (and IS used) in science fields.

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