Line upon Line Learning Shop

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Add and Subtract Ten Frame Game COOKIES


Add and Subtract Ten Frame Game is a great game to practice adding and subtracting within 10, it is a helpful practice in using a ten frame to add and subtract within ten, and it is fun to think about receiving, swapping, and eating chocolate chip cookies!

Add and Subtract Ten Frame Game is a great game to practice adding and subtracting within 10, it is a helpful practice in using a ten frame to add and subtract within ten, and it is fun to think about receiving, swapping, and eating chocolate chip cookies!
Included in the Adding & Subtracting Ten Frame Game are the following chocolate chip cookie-themed items:
  • Numbered chocolate chip cookies from 1 to 10
  • Four ten-frame templates (a plate, a cookie jar, a cookie pan, and an open lunch box)
  • A page of small cookies
  • Chocolate Chip Cookies Ten Frame Game cards, front (4 pages, 24 cards total) and back (one page, to be printed 4 times on the reverse of the game cards)
Cookies Ten Frame practice
  • Shuffle the numbered cookies well. Provide a student with one ten-frame of choice. Then, the student selects a numbered cookie and fills in the ten-frame with that number of the small cookies. The student then clears the ten-frame and selects a new numbered card.
Add and Subtract Cookies Game
  • Place the shuffled cards in a file, backside up. Each player selects one of the four ten frames templates (plate, cookie jar, cookie pan, or lunch box). A player is selected to go first.
  • For each turn, the player selects a card and adds or subtracts the number listed by adding or subtracting small cookies to the ten-frame. If a card instructs the player to subtract and no cookies are on the ten-frame, nothing happens. If a card instructs the player to add, that many small cookies are added to the ten-frame.
  • The player that fills the ten frame with ten cookies first, is the winner.

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