Practice recognizing short vowel sounds by playing a game! This product has one game board and 45 different game cards with images of words with short vowel sounds.
The game board and cards are available in three versions.
* Full-color game board and cards with colored borders and images.
* Less-color intensive game board and cards with colored images only (the borders are b/w).
* Black/white outline game board and black/white game cards.
I’ve included images for the following short vowel words.
Short a: jam, clap, map, snap, pad, bag, flag, bat, crab
Short e: bed, sled, shed, hen, pen, net, vet, jet, ten
Short i: pig, wig, fin, chip, pit, pin, zip, ship, chin
Short o: top, mop, pop (balloon), log, cot, pot, lot, dog, soda pop
Short u: bug, bun, sun, water gun, nun, nut, hut, mug, jug