Compare the amount of treats and numerals up to 10 to help feed the hungry alligators in this cut-and-paste and “Draw an amount of treats greater than …” printables. Perfect for kindergartners just getting started in comparing low numbers!
Use the colorful alligator faces (pages 4-5) to introduce and demonstrate the concept of comparing items in two groups.(Ideas included.)
The worksheets are differentiated, giving different options for comparing amounts less than 10.
*On pages 6-9, students must cut and paste the hungry alligator facing the largest amount of treats. Pages 7 and 8 include an equals sign as well. (Alligator whole bodies are used.)
*On pages 10-13, students must draw a larger amount in the empty box in order to feed each hungry alligator, as well as create their own equality equation. (Just alligator faces are shown.)
*On pages 14-17, students must cut and paste the alligator eyes greater than/less than signs while comparing digits rather than groups of treats.
Answer sheets are included!