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Earth’s Biomes


Learn about biomes and habitats using the books on the annotated book list, then assemble learning booklets, answer task cards, and set up a file file folder animal-to-habitat sort. Then get moving with a game! This science storytime unit will give your students a great overview of earth’s biomes.

Biomes Science Storytime is picture-book inspired teacher resource for teaching about the terrestrial biomes on earth. The variety of engaging and educational materials will help your students learn all about land biomes in a fun and interactive way, starting with great picture books about biomes and habitats around the world.

Here’s what’s included:

  • Reading a book from the comprehensive Biomes Book List is perfect for helping your students learn more about these fascinating ecosystems. From picture books to non-fiction texts, this hand-picked and annotated book list has something just right for your next read-aloud.
  • Suggested Lesson Organization will help you plan what you can read and teach to best reach your young ones. Two suggested outlines are included, one for Prek-1 and another for upper elementary school. Lesson ideas for all ages are explained on the following pages.
  • A real highlight of this product is the collection of biome booklets (in both mini size and 1/4 page size), which cover all the major biomes and provide students with a detailed overview of each. Then the clear biome maps are also included, which can be used to help students visualize and understand the locations of each biome.
  • To help reinforce learning, the package also includes Biomes vs Habitats task cards, which provide students with a fun and interactive way to review and compare biomes and habitats.
  • Additionally, an animal to biome file folder sort provides a center for your science classroom, and a single page cut-and-paste sort is a helpful simplified version for independent categorization practice.
  • Last but not least, the Where Am I? game is an exciting and engaging way to test students’ knowledge of biomes and challenge them to use critical thinking skills, even as they run and play.

Just add picture books and with this Science Storytime product, you have what you need to teach biomes in a comprehensive and engaging way.

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