October is approaching, and that means it’s nearly time for LDS General Conference!
In anticipation of this bi-annual gathering of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I’ve been pondering how to best prepare my two young children. At age 6-almost-7 and 2, Raisin and Strawberry are still rather young to be fully attentive to the 8 hours of discourse and song. But there are ways to learn the message and appreciate it, and I’m grateful for The Friend magazine for providing our starting point for General Conference gospel learning!
The September Friend provides a set of colorful photo cards of each of the members of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. On the reverse of each card is the name and calling of the individual, as well as a few interesting facts from his life.
We’ve decided to focus on learning the prophets and apostles by using these cards for these two weeks before conference. I’ve made Raisin a worksheet to fill out information about each person. In addition to asking for the name, calling, and one interesting fact from the apostles’ life, I’ve left space for Raisin to research what the apostle’s previous conference message was about (researching with the May 2014 Conference Ensign) and a space for him to note what his next address is about.
If you wish to get the apostle information worksheet, you can get it free when sign up to become a Line upon Line Learning VIP.
In the meantime, Strawberry and I have been playing “find the prophet” in the mixed up pile of apostles. She enjoys the hide-and-seek game, and she asks what the others’ names are as well. While I can’t really expect more than that from her, I’m hoping that in a week and a half, she’ll be excited to see some familiar faces on the TV screen in the midst of her playing.
What are you doing to prepare your children for LDS General Conference?