In the past year, I’ve loved sharing learning activities with my followers here on Line upon Line Learning. I’ve found that the more I try to create content for the blog, the more creative I get in creating learning activities. Many of my popular learning ideas are hands-on and engaging. These top five hands-on learning activities from 2016 have been the most popular for my blog readers.
Biomes Game. My most popular activity was my set of Biomes game cards, which we used to try to match up four cards to get a complete “biome.” In the process, we compared pictures of the biomes and learning some basic facts about the biomes, including where that biome can be found.
STEM Bedroom LEGO Challenge. A close second in popularity was my son’s STEM bedroom challenge using LEGO bricks. My son loved practicing area and perimeter while we were creating the bedroom! Our furniture was also (somewhat) to scale, at least in basic area. We even had fun making a stop motion movie with LEGO mini-figs!
Baseball Multiplication. Baseball was hot this year around here in Chicago when the Cubs won the World Series. We also played a simple baseball-themed multiplication game using a 12-sided die. Woohoo! Homerun!
Matching Global Landforms to Continents. It may not sound fun to match landforms to continents, but my son, who loves maps, enjoyed learning to use an atlas in this hands-on activity!
100+ Preschool Picture Book Lesson Ideas. My recent post about using picture books to teach my preschooler has been a hit as well. I’ve barely touched the surface in doing these activities with her, but we’re already having a blast!
Want to see more of the most popular posts from 2016 from your favorite homeschool bloggers? Click over to iHomeschool Network to see others!