Online learning tools for homeschool are especially important for students right now. With local libraries sometimes closed or limited, an online collection of learning materials and step-by-step instructions are essential. It’s a bonus if all this can be easily accessed online from home. Virtua, available through Homeschool Buyers Co-op, provides secular learning tools, from individualized instruction and practice to an ebook library to supplement current learning.
Note: I received a free month of access to this program, and was compensated for my time in preparing this review. All opinions are my own and I was not required to write a positive review.

An Individualized 21st-Century Learning Path
Each student needs to learn whatever they need to learn. This is why Virtua School provides pre-learning “diagnostics to see where the student is before presenting a learning “nugget.”
From a parent login, I can assign the already prepared “nuggets” or “diagnostic” and then list other, additional assignments for my daughter to complete. Then, when she logs in, she will see what has been assigned her and know what to do first. This is a wonderful way to encourage independent learning for those ready for such learning!
What is a nugget? A nugget is an already prepared mini-lesson on a concept, along with an assessment of understanding. Virtua provides learning nuggets in math, English reading and grammar concepts, and science (including secular concepts, like evolution). I set up my own progression of assignments for my daughter to see when she logged in, directly related to our geology studies.
To learn more about the learning path that Virtual School offers, visit the Virtua site directly for an outline of subjects their nuggets and paths follow.
Additional Learning Tools for Homeschoolers
In addition to the learning path, those with access to Virtua can also read thousands of different books and magazines online. Included on this list are some best-sellers and popular books like A Wrinkle in Time and The Boxcar Children books, as well as amazing magazines like National Geographic and National Geographic Kids, and Wildlife and Cosmos.
The Virtua library also includes audiobooks and learning videos. Some of the same books available in print are also available here in audio. In addition, learning videos particularly useful for homeschoolers are in abundance. The BBC’s language learning series, Muzzy, is also here for Spanish, French, and Chinese!
Accessing Virtua School
Virtua is offered as part of the Homeschool Buyers Co-op (which I just wrote about on Friday!). While membership to the Co-op is free, Virtua is an add-on for homeschoolers to subscribe to. The best part is that the first month of Virtua is just $1. Months thereafter are $29.99. Give the first month a try. It is just the structure that busy parents may need to help give their children more independent learning time.