Listening to God’s Will as a Parent

Many of my educational philosophies are secular, and especially on this blog, I share learning ideas that would work for people of all faiths. But it is true that I chose to homeschool initially because God asked me too!

Today I’m blogging on All Done Monkey for her Parenting and Faith series. Here’s how I start my post:

When Leanna asked how our faith influences our parenting, I could not help but recognize that my own understanding of my role as a mother came as a direct result of my faith.

I am not naturally a patient person. When my son entered the difficult toddler age, I found myself at my wits end most days. My husband frequently traveled, and my son stopped napping, so I felt there was never a respite from motherhood!

I could not wait for him to go off to school so I would not be frustrated all day long.

But my perspective changed when he was four. This was when I was guided in a completely different direction as a mother. I let myself listen to God’s will.

Read more of Listening to God’s Will as a Parent at All Done Monkey! 

Do you feel like you homeschool for similar reasons?

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