Using Streaming Movies in Homeschooling to Enhance Learning

Cinematic documentaries, movies set in a specific time period, chemists performing experiments on-screen: these are just a few of the ways that you can utilize movies in homeschooling to enhance learning. If you already use unit studies to teach your children then you probably know that a great way to meet the needs of your visual learners is through video. Video homeschooling helps to teach a lesson in a a more full, rich way.

While Netflix is a wonderful resource for family entertainment, did you know you can also use Netflix videos for education? Streaming videos is becoming the next big thing in video delivery, making learning opportunities an ever more affordable and available option. Here are some great places to find streaming movies for homeschooling, sorted by subject!

Streaming Options for Video Homeschooling

These are just a few of the options available these days. If you have a smart TV or Roku or other streaming device be sure to check out the variety of apps available for streaming video. Some even allow you to login using your PC or Tablet.

10 Benefits to Using Movies in Homeschooling

▬ Movies enhance learning for visual learners.

▬ You can use Homeschool Video Courses for Multiple Ages. Tricia at Hodgepodge explains how this works.

▬ Movies create visual memories of lessons being taught from your textbooks.

▬ Videos build understanding of experiences that happen in other cultures, eras, or settings.

▬ Movies take the pressure of teaching off mom.

▬ Video homeschooling offers a great way to take a brain break while still keeping the day focused on education.

▬ Movies keep the mess out of the kitchen when seeing science experiments performed by video scientists.

▬ Videos make teaching complicated math concepts easy when someone else does the teaching.

▬ Movies bring history learning to life by helping kids to see what happened versus reading about what happened.

▬ It’s a fun way to learn and sometimes the kids don’t even realize it’s part of school.

For a great overview of how to implement video homeschooling into your routine, take a look at these ideas.

Homeschool movies are a great break for mom, plus a unique way to enhance learning, no matter the subject. Links to tons of homeschool movie ideas.

History & Social Studies Video Homeschooling

Bring history to life!

Geography Homeschool Movies

Learn about the world.

Science Homeschool Movies

View great shows to get a better understanding of how the world works.

Math Homeschool Movies

Refresh your rusty math skills and let homeschooling videos help you teach.

Art & Music Video Homeschooling

Teach a great appreciation for fine arts from home.

Preschool and Kindergarten Homeschool Movies

Help your littlest ones learn during their movie time.

With all the streaming channels available these days, from YouTube to Amazon Prime and everything in between you’ll have no lack of learning opportunities for your family. On YouTube you can search for just about anything and find some fantastic options. With Netflix, Curiosity Stream, and Discovery Channels you’ll find a vast library of documentaries, period movies, science discussions and much more.

The digital age has many advantages for homeschooling parents and video homeschooling is just one more way that you can enhance your children’s education and make learning exciting. 

What are some of your favorite educational videos?

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