I love how I get great ideas from Pinterest and from great blogging moms who have fantastic ideas. Other moms have been there before and have great ideas and words of wisdom to share. Making letter people is one idea I found that I simply love! When I stumbled upon No Time for Flash Cards‘ post about Alphabet Peg Dolls, I knew ABC peg people were something my daughter would love to play with, especially as she begins to learn her letters.
How to Use Letter People
I love putting the ABC Peg People into our busy bag to keep her busy while we are out and about. I love leaving the alphabet people in a busy bag for her to choose to play with when she wants to. Maybe, when she gets older, we will practice putting the alphabet in order. Or, maybe my older daughter will enjoy putting CVC words together. Oh, the possibilities are endless!
How to Make ABC Peg People
Check out No Time for Flash Cards for instructions on how to make them. Since I did not come up with the idea originally, I want to make sure you see her even more amazing results. I followed the instructions as she gave them. I only wish I’d written the letters with a sharpie instead of with paint, as some letters got a bit sloppy.
A Benefit of Hands-On Alphabet People
I had so much fun making our Letter People. So far, Strawberry loves them too. She loves for them to dance and play and talk to each other. I was thinking of alphabet learning when I was making them. They actually work well for imagination play!
That is how 3 year olds learn. They use imagination to put order in the world around them. I love that simply providing alphabet people to my daughter she is inspired to make an imaginary world and tell a story.
At some point, we’ll practice recognizing letters. Since I refer to them by their letter name, she’ll catch on. It gives them personality.Then we can add letter sounds and put them together into “families” that make words. That’s years from now. For now, I’ll let her imagine with the characters. That’s how it begins!
This is a great book about how imagination play is essential for kids ages 3-6: A Child’s Work: The Importance of Fantasy Play by Vivian Gussin Paley.
Want more activities? Check out our letter pop activity, or feed the ABC Monster.