Uppercase-Lowercase ABC Recognition Practice with an ABC Sticker Tree


ABC Stickers + colored paper = sticker tree fun!
ABC Stickers + colored paper = sticker tree fun!

What could be more fun than sticker play for a preschooler?

I decided to play on her interest to play with ABC stickers by making her a lowercase to uppercase matching game.

This was super simple! I cut out brown paper to be a trunk and green paper with tree-like whorls. I taped these together in the shape of a tree. Then I wrote lowercase letters on the tree with a neon marker.

Strawberry found the lowercase letters on the tree and put the uppercase stickers on them.

We practiced ABC uppercase-lowercase matching with ABC stickers on a simply made tree.
We practiced ABC uppercase-lowercase matching with ABC stickers on a simply made tree.

She really liked that she was going out of order. Sometimes she’d pretend to do the wrong letter just to see if I was paying attention.

Playing with ABC stickers by making an ABC sticker tree like this was a nice reminder that learning activities do not have to be difficult or require a lot of preparation. It kept her engaged and learning, plus she found it to be a lot of fun!


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