Shoes Color Matching Game Freebie

There is stage each of my kids has enjoyed, between two and three, when they truly loved Pete the Cat's I Love My White Shoes! Since it is so fun to sing the song and toddlers are just starting to recognize colors, it's a perfect stage for beginning color recognition and color matching.

Practice sorting or matching color matching colors with Pete the Cat! These simple toddler sorts are a great start for color recognition practice.

Toddler Color Learning

I was amazed by my daughter's speaking one day when I overheard her singing to herself in the back seat of the car at a very young age.

"Shoes!" I caught. Then "White!" It was clear as a bell, but she was wearing Buster Browns. What was she talking about?

After a few moments, I recognized the song: it was Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes!

Do you know that song? It is this one:

She loves shoes, she loves Pete the Cat, and she loves singing that song! It's a perfect picture book and story for a toddler-aged learner. It provides a story about shoes that change from white to red, to blue, to brown, to white again. It shows a character being positive, even when things happen (like walking in something!).

Now it's my third child who is bursting in to song when she sees her shoes!

Shoes Color Matching Fun File Folder

I thought I'd make up another fun game for my toddler: this time featuring all colors of cool shoes! Here is the Shoes Color Matching FREEBIE for you too.

The Shoes Color Matching game has ten pairs of shoes in ten colors. Put the shoe pairs pages on the two sides of a file folder and then cut out the individual shoes and laminate them. If you want, attach hook-and-loop tape (Velcro) to the bottom side of the shoes so you can attach them to the pairs page. My daughter loves the sound when she pulls them off!

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Free Color matching file folder game

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The first Pete the Cat book inspired a fun toddler-level Shoes Color Matching game! Download the freebie when you subscribe to my newsletter.

More Color Matching Fun

If you want to do more color matching, or if you want to sort colors in Spanish, check out the more extensive color matching centers set! In this, each color gets a half page. Kids can match the items to pages, or (if you prefer) print the color pages without the images on them and have the kids sort the items into the correct pages. It's perfect for a center!

If you wanted the entire Color Matching File Folder Game and Center set, get it from the Line upon Line Learning Shop. You can also purchase it at TeachersPayTeachers.

These color Matching Activities are great for an introduction to color recognition. The shoes matching file folder game is free to subscribers! Use cards without the images for a more advanced color sort.
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