Daily Learning: Why I Started a Homeschool Blog

I started a homeschool blog to keep a record of our daily learning in our homeschool. I hope our journey inspires you on your!

Hello? Anyone there? It feels a bit strange to start out on a new blog. But starting a homeschool blog is exciting! Blogging regularly provides a great reminder of the daily learning we all do, be we young children or homeschooling parents.

Daily Learning from Reading at Rebecca Reads

I have been blogging for more than four years on Rebecca Reads about my personal reading, and I have loved it. I have loved the community, the comments, and the ways it has made me rethink my own reading choices and my personal responses to literature.

I studied English (analysis, literature, grammar, and so forth) for my Bachelor’s degree. I worked as a writing tutor, a librarian’s assistant, and an editor in college and as a professional proofreader for three years afterward.

But writing for personal reflection as a reader has been a decidedly enjoyable experience, quite different from term papers and yet just as fun for the intellectual side of my mind. Writing about my reading has helped me learn about history, literature, and so much more. It’s been a nice challenge for my intellectual side as I read daily and blogged (almost as frequently!).

Daily Learning in Our Homeschool

This new blog will take a decidedly more personal tone. As a full-time homeschooling mother, my days are now filled with not just my own personal hobby of reading, but also in teaching my children (including reading to them!). Whether or not my blog readers are full-time homeschooling parents should not matter, because whether or not we are parents or teachers, our lives are filled with daily learning for ourselves and the teaching of those around us.

I never thought I’d decide to homeschool, and I’ll share more on this. Isn’t that what public schools are for? I have no patience for teaching (or so I thought). I have no talent to teach (or so I thought). And I certainly have no desire to spend my days furthering a career in staying at home (or so I thought).

It is amazing to me how serving my children, teaching my children and other people’s children, and creating and finding tools and resources to expand on these roles only furthers my own personal satisfaction as an individual. Education is for everyone, and no one is learning more than I am as I start out on this homeschooling journey.

Helping Other Homeschoolers

I hope the resources and stories I share help other teachers and parents. My goal in this blog is to share my own story as I lead my children in education. I’m a beginner. This is the first post on this blog. But as I add posts weekly or monthly, I hope it will become something greater.

And as I teach my children, I, by extension, will also learn to learn one day, one line, and one precept at a time.

See some practical examples of how we learn from daily life.

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  • Hi Rebecca!
    I love to read too – I just finished Wonder by RJ Palacio (kids book) it is a great book!
    I’m looking forward to your posts,I’m your newest follower!


  • Hi Rebecca,
    It sounds like you are really enjoying working with your children at home. If you ever need any science help, please check out my website at TPT. My lessons are very engaging and make the learning process fun and interactive. I am sure your kids would love some of the games I have created. My email is listed above. Let me know how I can help.

    Best of luck with your kiddos,

  • Hi Rebecca! Congratulations on teaching your children. It is a very rewarding experience. I also homeschool and it is so much fun watching your children learn. I wish you much success in this. I am following you on TPT. Would love it if you would follow me as well http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Ms-Joy
    Your story book items look very interesting. Good luck!

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